Questions for students

How many books can I take out?

Students can take a maximum of 5 books at a time. However, teachers are allowed to have a lower limit.

How long can I take a book out?

Loan periods are two weeks at a time. Renewing a book will extend the loan period by another two weeks. You can renew a book a maximum of three times.

I lost a book. Do I have to pay a fine?

The library does not issue fines anymore, but the library software is still programmed to put fines on accounts with lost books. If you can not find a lost book, have your teacher email one of the library technicians to get them to remove the fine.

Questions for teachers

We need multiple copies of a certain book. Can the library get more copies?

If you need multiple copies of a book for a group project, the library can borrow those books from other schools in the HDSB network through an interlibrary loan.

Can I ask the library technician to pull and check out a bunch of books based on a theme for me?

Yes! The library technician will be more than happy to find suitable books and check them out for you.

Who are the library technicians at my school? How do I contact them?

Irma Coulson currently has two library technicians.

Emily Smith works on Mondays, Wednesdays, Fridays, and alternate Tuesdays. 

Their email is smithemi2@hdsb.ca.

Julianna Lesperance work dates tbd.

Her email is lesperancej@hdsb.ca.